Aaron Eberhart

Durer Hands

About Me




About Me

Picture of me

I am a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Kansas State University.
I previously completed a BS in Computer Science at Wright State University and a BA in Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh.

I am primarily interested in computation and logic, with a focus on description logics. In my spare time, I also consider methods for augmenting logical reasoning with machine learning strategies and neural networks. Currently I am involved in a project with the AFOSR that attempts to fit a symbolic cognitive agent with an ontology to help identify gaps in its knowledge.

Recent Activity

I am working on a parallelized reasoner for my functional programming style API for OWL called (f OWL), and preliminary results for the API were accepted as a poster at ISWC 2020. I also recently wrote a paper that was accepted to AAAI-MAKE '20 where I apply a new approach to reasoning with deep learning.


aaroneberhart [at] ksu [dot] edu

Data Semantics Laboratory
2224 Engineering Hall
1701D Platt St.
Manhattan, KS 66506